Safety Data Sheets
Brand and Style Guideline

To determine the best product to use when painting a pool, it is essential to know what product(s) are currently on the surface to ensure a successful paint job. Ramuc's technical team can solve the problem. We provide a ‘paint chip’ analysis for pool facilities or any pool professional about to re-paint a pool, water slide, fountain, pond or any other aquatic structure.

Our Technical Staff will analyze the sample, provide a detailed report of the types of paints on each of the layers. The results include the type of coating(s) that reside on the pool, image dissection showing the layer(s) and types, recommendation for coating to use as well as recommendations for surface preparation to remedy any existing issues and the best product to use. Analysis provided within 7-14 business days. 

Ramuc realizes the importance to customers to do the project right the first time. It is a costly and time-consuming problem if the wrong product is applied or if the surface is not prepared properly.

For general guidance regarding water quality and chemistry, please visit the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Standards and Codes.

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